eBIZ is helping me discover more of myself with every passing
day. After having done decently well in my life until my graduation, I
thought I was very well equipped to face all the challenges in life.
But then eBIZ came as a blessing and all of a sudden life started
getting more beautiful.
Background: I was born and brought up
in an educated business family. My father- Shri Gian Sagar Sardana is a
renowned industrialist of the native place- Karnal.
Qualification: B.Tech
Opted eBIZ as a career in April, 2003
while pursuing studies. Faced criticism from family and friends but
continued eBIZ with full sincerity, passion and devotion. With
blessings of God, parents and uplines- Sh.A.P.S. Sodhi Ji and Sh.Sunny
Arora Ji, and everybody in eBIZ, journey in eBIZ has been more than
rewarding. Few of the achievements are as under:- ... Read more »